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Link Download Perangkat Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Fase E Kurikulum Nasional

Link Download Perangkat Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Fase E Kurikulum Nasional Sahabat Sangkolan, Berikut ini adalah Link Download Perangkat Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Fase E Kurikulum Nasional. Dalam era digital yang terus berkembang, pendidikan menjadi kunci untuk menghadapi tantangan global. Pemerintah telah memperkenalkan Kurikulum Nasional sebagai upaya untuk meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan di Indonesia.  Salah satu aspek penting dari kurikulum ini adalah penguatan pembelajaran bahasa Inggris, yang merupakan bahasa internasional yang vital untuk komunikasi global.  Dalam artikel ini, kita akan membahas peran bahasa Inggris dalam Kurikulum Nasional, dengan fokus pada perangkat pembelajaran Fase E dan menyediakan link downloadnya. 1. Kurikulum Nasional Kurikulum Nasional merupakan upaya pemerintah untuk membawa perubahan dalam pendidikan Indonesia. Tujuan utamanya adalah memberikan fleksibilitas kepada sekolah dalam menyusun kurikulum sesuai dengan kebutuhan lokal da...

Kunci Jawaban PPG Bahasa Inggris Formatif M4 LA2 Profesional - Caption

Kunci Jawaban PPG Bahasa Inggris Formatif M4 LA2 Profesional - Caption

Selamat Pagi teman-teman, kali ini kami akan berbagi Kunci Jawaban PPG Bahasa Inggris Formatif M4 LA2 Profesional - Caption

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Kunci Jawaban PPG Bahasa Inggris Formatif M4 LA2 Profesional - Caption

Jawaban Formatif M4 LA2 Profesional - Caption

1.Which one is likely the headline of the caption?

City gives artistic touch to overpass pillars.

Students promote traditional martial art.

Marrying sports, arts, and creativity.

Involving students in city's development.

2. What/who is highlighted in the caption?

The pillars and creativity.

Pencak Silat.

Mural painting on the pillars.

Collaboration between students and the teacher.

3. The caption contextualizes the picture by using the ... of the activity.

initiator, context, persons in charge

object, location, time

cooperation, creativity, beauty

place, time, sponsor

4. The caption seems to suggest that ....

mural painting is expensive but achievable

the local government gets good support from the private sector

Jakarta looks more beautiful with mural paintings

students can be involved by the government for free

5. We know from the caption that mural painting can educate the society about....:

government-private partnership

the local culture

students' involvement

character building

6. The most suitable words to begin the caption is ...

Winning feeling


Soccer perfect

Big celebration

7. The headline of the news is most likely....

Edin Dzeko make a winning score over A.S. Roma

Dzeko strikes to take Roma into Champions League last night

The Roma's fans roar for the long awaited goal last night

The legendary goal raises the Bosnian striker's grade

8. The word 'celebrates' is closely associated with the image of....

hand claps

Edin Dzeko's upclose shot

happy faces

strong players

9. The caption is about ....

UEFA Champions League

Edin Dzeko

A.S. Roma's Bosnian striker

A.S. Roma

10. Which of the following is true according to the caption?

It was the first time for A.S. Roma to win the quarter finals.

Roma has never reached the quarter-finals in Champions League before.

Roma has waited for a long time to win the quarter-finals of the Champions League.

Roma has won the UEFA Champions League after ten year

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