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Soal Evaluasi Materi Introduction Bahasa Inggris Kelas X Semester 1

Soal Evaluasi Materi Introduction Bahasa Inggris Kelas X Semester 1 Untuk dapat mengerjakan soal level selanjutnya, harus mendapatkan nilai minimal 7 jawaban benar dari 10 nomor soal, jika nilai benarnya 6 ke bawah, halaman akan otomatis melakukan refresh dan ulangi menjawab soal sampai dinyatakan lulus dan lanjut ke level selanjutnya.

Klik pada bulatan di depan pilihan jawaban yang menurut anda benar..!!

(1) Tanpa batas waktu
(2) Pilihlah salah satu jawaban yang dianggap paling benar (masing-masing soal memiliki bobot 1)
(3) Pemeriksaan hasil tes dilakukan melalui sistem komputerisasi; Klik tombol lihat hasil di bagian bawah untuk melihat hasil jawaban. Selamat mencoba.

1. Gita : Budi, I want you to meet someone. This is Mrs. Ina, my aunt.
From the expression we know that Gita tries to …
A. introduce herself.
B. greet someone.
C. leave a meeting.
D. introduce her family.
E. congratulate other.

2. Deti : Hi everybody. I am Deti. I am a new secretary. Previously, I worked as a financial analyst and an assistant manager in another company. Pleased to meet you all.
From the sentences, we know that Deti ….......….
A. was a secretary.
B. is a new employee.
C. has worked in this company before.
D. is introducing her friend.
E. was a general manager.

3. … , My name is Budi.
Hello. I’m Asep. Pleased to meet you..
A. Do you know my name?
B. I don’t think we have met
C. I’m very happy to meet you
D. Do you want to know me?
E. Do you love me?.

4. Mrs. Surya : How are you, Mr. Danu?
Mrs. Danu : Fine thanks, … Mrs. Surya.
Mrs. Surya : Me, too.
A. Nice to meet you .
B. Never mind.
C. Can I help you?
D. See you then.
E. Forgive me.

5. How do you do? It’s nice to meet you. … .

A. Me too
B. I should be nice
C. Do you?
D. Am I nice
E. How do you do? Nice to meet you too.

6. … has just left ten minutes ago.
A. He
B. His
C. Him
D. Her
E. Hers

7. My brother told me not to touch … computer when he wasn't at home.
A. I
B. he
C. his
D. him
E. They

8. You shouldn’t be angry with … since you’re the one who was curious.
A. Its
B. their
C. she
D. we
E. them

9. They have their own wood gas camp stove. Why are they using … ?
A. her
B. ours
C. we
D. them
E. me

10. The manager gave … no choice.
A. him)
B. we
C. his
D. mine
E. their

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